Products and Services for Every Restorative Need

Every patient has a unique set of needs, desires, and possibilities for their dental restorative care. With that in mind, dental practices need to partner up with a dental lab to help delight the diverse range of patients, enhance practice excellence, and maintain patient health and safety. A partnership with MicroDental Northwest brings you a wide range of treatment options, matched with a high standard for quality & customer service.

The MicroDental Northwest team is fluent in comprehensive contemporary techniques and technologies that correlate to AACD cosmetic restorative dentistry protocols - resulting in a winning smile every time.

A Full Service Catalog, from fixed
and removable restorations to implants - MicroDental offers more treatment options and greater convenience.

Treatment Planning by MicroDental’s dedicated department managers and CDTs simplifies the flow of each and every case.

Technical Consultation by knowledgeable, trained and experienced technicians offers a collaborative approach to smile design and materials selection. 

Before After

A Dental Laboratory That Supports Your Occlusal Philosophy

We understand that dentists often have different occlusal philosophies. You shouldn’t have to explain or justify your occlusal philosophy to your dental lab. Your dental lab should adapt to your philosophy.

Our technicians and team leaders are adept at working with all types of occlusal philosophies, including Neuromuscular and Centric Occlusion. So you’ll spend less time educating dental lab technicians, and more time seeing patients.

NEW! Consider using a new way to interact with MicroDental:
My Dental Lab. This is an online service that allows dentists to: save time, experience convenience, achieve confidence, gain easier access, remove redundant tasks, and take guess work out by placing orders online. To find out if your MicroDental lab participates, contact your rep or to register, go to: